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Durba , Watsa Territory Haut Uele Province Of The Democratic Republic Of Congo

Community Engagement

Community Engagement

At ML Services Sarl, we believe that our commitment to the communities where we operate is as vital as our dedication to mining excellence. Our ethos extends beyond business, and we actively engage with local communities to create meaningful social and economic impacts.

A Heartwarming Gesture: ML Services Donates Food to St. Rose de Lina – Local Orphanage Center in Watsa

In a beautiful demonstration of corporate social responsibility, ML Services continues to extend a helping hand to those less fortunate in our community. We recently donated a generous quantity of essential food items to the St. Rose de Lina Local Orphanage Center in Watsa. This heartfelt initiative not only underscores our commitment to making a positive impact but also emphasizes the vital role of community engagement in today’s business landscape.

On a sunny and hopeful morning, our ML Services representatives arrived at the St. Rose de Lina Orphanage Center with a van loaded with essential food items, including grains and more. The orphanage, which heavily relies on donations and community support, was overwhelmed with gratitude at the sight of these contributions.

The handover ceremony was a touching moment as our team members interacted with the children and staff at the orphanage, sharing smiles and words of encouragement.

This heartwarming gesture serves as a shining example of how businesses can actively support their local communities.

We are excited about the prospect of continuing these meaningful initiatives within our community, embodying the spirit of giving and community engagement that defines ML Services. Together, we can make a lasting difference in the lives of those who need it most.


Social Empowerment

We understand the impact our operations can have on local societies. That’s why we actively involve ourselves in local communities, fostering strong relationships and sustainable value. Through various initiatives and support programs, we aim to uplift residents, strengthen communities, and contribute to their well-being.


Economic Empowerment

Beyond social impact, we recognize the role we can play in bolstering local economies. By involving community members in our services and activities, we generate economic opportunities, jobs, and sustainable livelihoods. This not only improves individual lives but also enhances the overall economic resilience of the regions we operate in.


Collaborative Development

Collaboration is at the heart of our community engagement strategy. We believe that working hand in hand with local communities creates a win-win scenario. By involving community members in decision-making processes, we ensure that our operations align with their needs and aspirations. This collaborative approach fosters trust, mutual understanding, and long-term partnerships that are essential for sustainable development.

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